Preparing for twins can be an intimidating and overwhelming feat, and you are probably wondering if you need to purchase double of everything. More often than not, parents who are expecting twins either register for or actually purchase many more items than they ever actually need, and you definitely do not want extra items crowding your home.
There will be baby items of which you only need one, similar to having a single child, and some things you will need to double. Yet, there are some really useful baby items that cater to parents with twins and will make your chaotic life easier. Before you build your registry or hit up the baby store, read on to learn about 13 things you need to buy when having twins.
Do You Need Two of Everything Because You Have Twins?

The moment you found out you were having twins, you probably gasped at what it would do to your bank account. Will you need to purchase double of everything? Luckily, the answer is no. There will be many items you need to buy when expecting twins that you can purchase singles of so they can share for several months after birth.
Some items you will only need to purchase one of when expecting twins include the following:
- Baby monitor
- Stroller
- Boppy pillow
- Playpen
- Pack-n-play (when the twins are small)
- Nursery furniture (since they will more than likely share a room as babies)
- Changing table
- Diaper bag
- Diaper pail or diaper genie
- Baby bathtub
- Some toys
Alas, there are some items of which you will need to buy two when preparing for twins. The main reason is for safety. These items include:
- Cribs — It is recommended your twins each have their own sleeping space.
- Crib items
- Car seats
- Swings
- Jumper and bouncers
- High chairs
- Some toys
Any expecting parent will have a long list of things to buy. Hopefully, this list of 13 items can help you reign in your shopping. It might even help you build your twin baby registry!
Two Infant Car Seats
If your imminent twins are your first additions to your family, you may not know that you will not be allowed to leave the hospital unless you have two car seats already set up in your vehicle.
There will be many items you can purchase one of, but the car seats are the one item your babies will never be able to share. This is also the item that you will not want to skimp on because you need to read reviews and make sure the seats are safe for twins in a vehicle.
- Car seats should be the absolute first thing you purchase, as you will not be allowed to take your babies home unless they are both properly restrained.
- You will also probably need to upgrade the seats at some point, so you should probably start with car seats specifically designed for infants and then purchase larger ones later as the babies grow into toddlers.
- After you do your homework, you will also want to make sure your car seats can snap into the second item of necessity: a double frame stroller.
That does not mean you need to spend hundreds of dollars on each car set; instead, read reviews and decide which item works best since you will need to purchase two of them.
After doing your research, you will come to realize that expensive does not always mean safer. In fact, some of the less expensive car seats for twins actually have better ratings and reviews.
Double Frame Stroller

Now that you have figured out which car seats to purchase, you will need a double frame stroller. The carrier portion of your car seats can be removed from the bases, which always remain in your vehicle. That way, you can let your twins continue their much-needed naps while you try to live your life outside of your home.
The good news is, this is an item you only need one of, and for twins, a lightweight, double-frame baby stroller is recommended that allows you to snap the car seats right in. That way, you will be ready for your daily walks, trips to the store, and anywhere else you will need to go and take the two little ones.
- Your stroller will need a double frame to fit both car seats.
- A lightweight frame is recommended.
- You may want to start looking around for double strollers for your little ones for when they are big enough to move to the next size car seats.
You will want a stroller that allows you to snap your car seat in so that you can easily transport them from the car. Many strollers allow you to snap your babies right into the stroller frame since newborns will spend most of their time sleeping. That way, you do not need to wake them up when they are moving from the car to the stroller.
Once your twins get older, you can invest in a regular stroller that they climb into when they can walk. However, you will not need this type of stroller for probably the first year of their life.
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Two Cribs
You will need to purchase two of the next items of necessity since the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that twins have their own cribs to avoid the threat of sudden infant death syndrome.
Your babies will need somewhere comfortable and safe to sleep, so the cribs should be purchased right away so that you are not fussing when the house is chaotic with the arrival of newborns.
You can start with separate bassinets when the babies are very small, but then they should have their own cribs after they are too big for their separate bassinets. You should also note that cribs usually come pretty basic – just the crib itself. Therefore, there are other items that should be purchased, for two, along with the crib so that you are prepared:
- Mattresses
- Waterproof pads
- Tightly-fitted bottom sheet
- Bedding sheets and blankets (when they are a bit older)
- Mobiles
You will need to purchase two of everything listed above, so the crib setups can get pretty pricey. However, when it comes to the safety of a crib, barer is better. Skip the bumpers and crib toys, which could be suffocation or strangulation hazards. You want to place the crib away from windows, curtains, cords, strings, or anything else that can be pulled.
The cribs themselves are sturdy and do not need to be fancy, so you can save money by even purchasing used cribs off the internet. That way, you can have two cribs that work well and then spend your money on doubling up on the items that your babies will actually be sleeping on throughout the day and night. Mattresses should always be new.
Portable Pack-n-Play

A portable crib, also called a pack-n-play, is a priceless item that is absolutely needed for one baby, let alone two. This item serves multiple functions, from a portable crib newborns can sleep in when napping downstairs to a playpen the babies can share. It also makes traveling much easier since you can pack it up and take it with you to relatives’ homes.
This item can even serve as a crib for the first few weeks. You can probably start with one pack-in-play when your twins are very small, but you will need to purchase another one as they grow. The twins will want their own spaces to play, and if you do a lot of traveling, they will each need their own area to nap and sleep overnight if need be.
- If you are staying home with the twins during the day, the pack-n-play can serve as the area downstairs where your babies lay down for naps throughout much of the day.
- You will want two pack-n-plays that fit easily in the living room or main sitting room where you spend most of your time.
- Pack-n-plays can also be put next to your own bed.
If you do start with one pack-n-play, they make items that are extra-large that fit two babies. That way, you can use one for the first few months until the babies need their own space. After that, you will want to invest in a smaller one—the babies will not realize that one sibling’s pack-n-play is larger than the other’s for a long time!
Two Bouncer Seats
Bouncer seats are another must-have for new parents, and this is another item you will need to purchase in a pair for your two babies. Bouncers are a gift for both babies and their parents, as they give mom and dad a break from holding the little ones. You simply strap in the twins so that they are safe, and then these items serve multiple functions:
- Bottle feed your babies
- Gently rock them to sleep
- Safely hold them so you can get other things done
A bouncer seat is a perfect place to put your babies when you need to cook something to eat or just go to the bathroom. Unlike larger items like a pack-n-play, they can even be taken into the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, yard, or anywhere else you want to go with your little ones. Is this item critical? It might not be if you are on a very tight budget.
That being said, many parents have found bouncers priceless so that they can get things done around the house while also taking care of twins. Bouncers range from $30 to $60 depending on how high tech you want to go. Yes, there are “smart” bouncers out there today that will bounce your baby for you if you want to spend the extra money.
These more high-tech bouncers may be price-prohibitive if you are purchasing two. But, you can possibly get away with just buying one bouncer and opt for the higher-quality one if you decide to purchase one of the next much-needed items – a swing. That way, the twins can take turns and move from the bouncer to the swing with ease.
Swings: Do You Need Two?
You may not have thought of the importance of an automatic swing when you first learned you were having babies, but parents have sworn by this item for soothing cranky babies. The back and forth is soothing for babies day and night, and many parents have even let their little ones sleep in the swing during midnight tantrums.
A swing is definitely an item that you can start off with just one of and purchase used at a yard sale or online. As stated earlier, the twins can go back and forth between the bouncer and the swing if need be. Or, you can put one twin in the swing while you are rocking the other twin to sleep. You never know. You may get both to sleep at once.
- Most parents have found that one swing is sufficient when one of the parents is alone with the babies.
- This gives the parent a place to put one of the twins and allow them to soothe themselves while focusing attention on the other twin.
- That way, you can change, feed, or simply rock the other twin to sleep without having a screaming baby.
However, you may find this item to be so priceless that it is worth the money to have two swings available so that both babies can swing life away. There are less expensive options of swings that have a crank you need to wind up, but the best ones are automatic—just turn it on, push a button, and swing your baby to sleep.
A Diaper Bag is a Necessity

An organized diaper bag with small compartments will help you organize your twins’ items and separate what they need, such as changing pads, baby wipes, extra clothing, and an insulated compartment for bottles. That way, you really only need one highly organized diaper bag to take care of both babies while out of the home.
The diaper bag you purchase will need to be large enough to organize items for two. There are some items you will need all of the time, while other things you may learn you can do without with simple trial and error. Here is a list of items you should always be stocked with so that you are ready for your twins at a moment’s notice:
- Portable changing pad
- One to two diapers per baby for every hour you will be out of the house
- Disposable diaper wipes
- Plastic bags for wet clothes or dirty diapers
- A change of clothes for each twin
- Baby blankets
- Favorite baby toys
- Burping cloths, if needed
- Bottles and formula if not breastfeeding
- Pacifiers, if necessary
- Diaper rash ointment
- Hand sanitizer
- Sunscreen for babies more than six months old
Many diaper bags will come with accessories so that you do not need to purchase them separately, such as a waterproof changing pad, portable baby wipes case, and wet and dry bags for soiled clothing. Since you are already buying for two, you should try to find a diaper bag that comes with as many accessories as possible for your little ones.
There are also backpacks on the market that serve as diaper bags, which could be ideal when dealing with twins. This can be a hands-free and comfortable way to carry the babies without lugging around a large diaper bag. Just make sure they have a lot of pockets for your baby items and are comfortable to wear when filled with everything.
Breastfeeding or Bottle-Feeding Items
Feeding twins can be one of the most intimidating things about having twins, especially if the mom is breastfeeding. However, breastfeeding twins is definitely doable with some timing and the proper items. A comfortable double breastfeeding pillow is the most important item a mom can purchase to make the daily feeding of twins easier.
A double breastfeeding pillow will help you breast or bottle feed both twins at the same time. In fact, this item will even get used when you are not feeding the twins, as it is a great place for them to lay on and relax during the day because it props them up safely. This use can continue once they are older and are trying to sit up on their own.
There are numerous types of breastfeeding pillows out there on the market today, but you definitely want one that has a cover that comes off for cleaning and is soft for your babies to relax upon. The breastfeeding pillow is not the only item you will need to feed the kids. There are other items that may be needed depending on your home life.
Breastfeeding necessities:
- Nipple cream
- Nursing pads
- Breastfeeding pillow
- Breast milk storage bags and bottles
You should also think about buying a breast pump for taking milk on the go or for daddy or a sitter while mom is away. Electric breast pumps are definitely more expensive, but they are also much more efficient than manual pumps. Your insurance company may even cover the cost of an electric breast pump, depending on your coverage.
Bottle feeding necessities include baby bottles, bottle cleaning brushes, a bottle drying rack, and a formula maker if you are exclusively bottle feeding.
One Baby Monitor

Even though you have two babies, you only need one baby monitor to make sure they are okay when sleeping during the day or night. Baby monitors give parents the ability to check on their babies without having to be in the room with them. This is especially important when they are napping, or during the night so you do not wake them up.
The baby monitors of the past would simply allow you to hear a cry through what looked like a walkie-talkie. Sometimes there would be little lights on them that would change colors the louder the cries got in the baby’s room. Today’s baby monitors do that and so much more. They not only monitor a baby’s cry but breathing and sleep patterns.
Baby monitors also monitor the room itself, including:
- The room’s temperature
- Humidity
- Air quality
They also have built-in noise machines to soothe your babies with lullabies, artificial relaxing noises, or even with your own voice. They have also gotten smaller due to wi-fi and smart features, which connect the video right to your phone.
If your twins are not sharing a room, of course, you will need two baby monitors, but one is more than fine for one bedroom. There are also baby monitors that can watch two cribs due to their dual camera capabilities. But in the end, a basic audio monitor works just fine if you do not want to spend the money on an expensive, high-tech video monitor.
Baby Carriers and Wraps

A comfortable baby carrier and wrap are essential for parents who have twins. There are carriers that are designed specifically for twins, but it may be rare that both babies want to be held at the same time. Having a baby carrier and a wrap would compliment each other well when you are on the go or even just working around the home.
Wrap-style carriers allow you to swaddle your baby against your body and are perfect for newborns who weigh less and do not hurt the parent’s back. They work for the first few months when your babies are still in the newborn stage and give parents the ability to multitask throughout the home. Wraps are available for holding both babies at once.
- Once your twins have grown past the newborn stage, you will want a carrier that provides support for your back, or you will be feeling the effects later that day.
- You also want cushions for your shoulders for comfort as they get heavier. Essentially, you are wearing your baby, so you are hands-free, so you need to make sure it is comfortable.
Wraps and carriers vary in price and style, but parents of twins really do not have to purchase more than one wrap or carrier, or one for two, since you will rarely be holding your babies at once. You can purchase a single wrap and carrier so that you can work around the house, go for a walk, or even shopping while holding one of your little ones.
A Baby Lounger or “Boppy”
Baby loungers are convenient when you need a cozy and safe place for your baby to lay down while you are getting things done around the house. This is an item you will want to purchase two of, as each baby should have its own lounger. It is a pillow-like nest that has a recessed center to let your baby “lounge” in the middle safely.
Parents of twins have actually found baby loungers to be an essential purchase for their hectic lives. With loungers, you do not need to hold your babies all day. A lounger is a perfect place to lay your baby down where you know he or she will not roll over or fall out. They are also lightweight—maybe a few pounds—so you can take them on the go.
There is also an item called a “boppy,” which sits your baby up in a small chair. It holds up your baby’s head and back, so it’s perfect for little ones who still cannot hold themselves up. Parents have placed the boppy in the middle of their kitchen table while eating dinner so their baby can be a part of the family at dinner time.
Some thoughts on both the baby loungers and the boppy:
- Only fits one baby in the lounger at a time.
- Do not let them sleep in the loungers or leave them alone in either item.
- Try to find loungers that say they are easy to wash and dry in case of spit-up.
- Always put the baby in the lounger on his or her back.
- Stop using the lounger once your babies can rollover.
Parents of twins have actually found baby loungers and bobbies to be an essential purchase for their hectic lives. With loungers, you do not need to hold your babies all day. A lounger or boppy is a perfect place to lay your baby down where you know he or she will not roll over or fall out. They are also lightweight—maybe a few pounds—so you can take them on the go.
High Chairs, Bibs, and Feeding Supplies

You may not be thinking of solid food right away, as you do not need a high chair until your babies are between four and six months old. That being said, it will still be essential for feeding and, when the time comes, you will need two of them. There are space-saver chairs and the traditional, larger standalone models in which to choose.
Sure, you could only purchase one and have your babies take turns eating, but more than likely, your twins are going to end up on the same feeding schedule. Having two high chairs will make the chaos of feeding time much more convenient. You will also need to double the feeding supplies:
- Bibs
- Dishes
- Bowls
- Infant-friendly spoons and forks
- Sippy cups
- Baby food holders
- Burp cloths
Some parents do invest in two standalone highchairs for home and two portable highchairs for on the go, but that could get expensive. If you think your twins will be eating “out” at grandma and grandpa’s quite a bit, invest in two portable highchairs that can be used both at your home and at the homes of others who will be feeding them.
Changing Table and Diaper Pail
Last but certainly not least, you will need a changing table and diaper pail to keep in the twins’ bedroom. You only need one of each—even the best parent cannot change two diapers at once. While you are changing your one baby, you can place the other one safely in any of the items discussed in this article.
Changing tables come in many different sizes. Some are even placed on top of a chest of drawers so you can change the baby on top while keeping all of the cute clothes below. And the top drawer is usually made to hold important items:
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Baby creams and powders
Then you can put the diaper pail right next to you so you can keep all of the dirty diapers in one place. You should try to find a diaper pail that is compatible to fit trash bags because disposable refill bags are much more expensive.
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