Having a baby is so exciting, but it can be pretty intimidating at the same time, especially if you are having twins. However, it is important to have a positive outlook on things and understand that you are bringing two babies into this world; you are more than capable of managing everything that comes after that.
The good news is, there are quite a few tips and tricks that can make having twins a bit easier for you. They could help you get a bit more sleep and even some time to pamper yourself if the situation is right.
Sync Their Schedules

Having twins can bring along some difficulties when it comes to time for the parent’s sleep, hygiene, and eating habits. However, one way you can avoid some of those difficulties is to sync their sleep schedules. The easiest way to do this is from day one to try to do everything simultaneously with both of them.
If one wakes up to eat, wake up the other one as well. Try to get them sleeping, eating, and bathing on the same schedule, so it lessens the chance of one needing something while the other one is sleeping or content.
Of course, the golden rule about never waking a sleeping baby applies to most situations, but not this one. , You want to wake a sleeping baby if its twin needs to eat; it will help you significantly in the long run.
Don’t Separate Twins
While it may seem more logical to put the babies in separate rooms, your babies are very used to being close to each other, they lived in the same womb for nine months, so when they are alone, they will feel lonely.
Putting your twins in the same room will help get them on the same schedule and get used to sleeping through each other’s cries and noises. This means you will have twins sleeping at the same time, and hopefully, for longer periods. Babies who learn to sleep in noisy environments end up being better sleepers in the long-run.
In some cases, when your babies are too young to roll over, you can allow them to sleep next to each other to help them adjust to the world while not being alone. This will help sync their schedules and keep them calmer overall, but they need to be in separate beds once they start rolling.
(Source: What To Expect, Parents)
Don’t Buy Two Of Everything
Most parents with twins feel as if they need to get two of everything; however, that isn’t always necessary and can lead to a lot of extra clutter and unused items. Some things that you need two of are:
- Cribs
- Carseats
- Bassinet
- High Chair
- Baby carriers (if you want to carry them at the same time)
However, some things that the babies can share are:
- Changing table
- Toys
- Stroller(buy a double stroller)
- Baby monitor
- Breast pump
- Swing or bouncy seat (you can always buy more if needed. Some babies don’t like them)
Having two babies comes with a lot of extra stuff anyway; there is no need for excess clutter if you don’t actually need it.
(Source: Parenting, Mom Junction)
Buy Simple Clothes
Getting babies dressed can take quite a bit of time, especially if someone spits-up or poops. You want to make dressing your twins as easy as possible for yourself. If you have boy-girl twins, you need to buy gender-neutral clothing so you can just grab two outfits and move on without having to find a different one for each of them.
If you have the same gender twins, simplicity is the goal. Choose zippers over snaps, one pice outfits over multipiece outfits, and warm clothes, so you don’t have to layer them up.
Use Subscription-Based Services For Essentials
Shopping with any aged kid can be a struggle, but twins are a different story altogether. DO yourself a favor and use subscription delivery services as much as possible when buying essentials.
You can have mostly everything you need delivered to you monthly, including, but not limited to:
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Diaper cream
- Lotion
- New clothing
- Feeding Supplies(nursing or bottle feeding)
- Baby Wash
- Gas drops
- Laundry Detergent
- Groceries
Most of your shopping can be done without leaving the house, which gives you more time to do whatever else you need to take care of.
(Source: Mom Junction, Twin Mom)
Ask for Help

Having a baby puts a strain on self-care time; having twins makes that even harder. Even if they are on the same schedule, this doesn’t mean they will always be content at the same time. Don’t be afraid or feel like a burden by asking for help from your friends and family.
Even if you just need someone to come to hold babies while you shower, eat, or go to the doctor, this will allow you some stress-free time to be who you were before you had them, for just a moment.
If you need help with feedings or general day-to-day routines, it’s okay to ask for help. There are two of them and only one of you, you can’t be expected to do it all by yourself all the time.
Prep As Much As Possible
You already don’t have much extra time to do anything extra, but with what time you can spare, prepping for the next day or even the next hour can save so much stress and headache—making bottles ahead of time, packing the diaper bag, or getting an extra load of laundry done can keep you from feeling overwhelmed or unprepared.
It can also keep the crying to a minimum, which keeps you from getting too stressed.
Find Other Multiple Families
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find other families dealing with the same thing you are. You can lean on each other in the hard moments and help each other out with tips, tricks, and new ways of dealing with things.
Once the babies get older, they can have friends, and you may have potential babysitters that understand a twin family dynamic.
(Source: Parenting, Mom Junction)
Keep Calm And Breathe
While this is easier said than done, keeping calm and breathing through the hard moments is important for your mental health, as well as the babies. If you are calm, the babies will be more relaxed. They can sense stress, and it can make them fussy.
While the days may seem long, you will wake up one day and realize that the hard moments actually weren’t that hard and they didn’t last very long at all. If you need a moment, it is okay to lay your babies in a safe area with no hazards and walk away.
While it may not feel great to let them cry, sometimes letting them cry while you walk away means you will be able to manage it better after you take a moment. Recognizing when you need a “timeout” means you are a good parent, and they will be okay crying for 5 minutes or so.
Final Thoughts
Having twins can be an amazing experience; your kids always have a best friend in life, and you get two kids in one pregnancy (what a deal!). However, it can be frustrating and stressful at times.
If you keep some tips and tricks in your back pocket, you can get through all the hard moments and rough days with significantly less guilt and stress. You have gifted these babies because you are equipped to raise them well.
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