Expecting twins can be an amazing feeling, but each day may give you a different level of excitement and fear. With twins, it is uncommon to be born on the expected due date, and up to 50% of their arrival ratio can be sooner than a solo baby.
There are a lot of things to know about twins’ birth, like – Can they be born days apart? If you or your partner are expecting twins or anyone else you love, then you might be wondering about these questions.
Well, to know more let’s explore this question and find out the truth!
When are twins conceived?
There are two types of twins: fraternal and identical.
Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. Identical twins happen when a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm and then splits into two after conception.
While fraternal twins can be born days or even weeks apart, identical twins are always born simultaneously. This is because they come from the same fertilized egg and share the same placenta and umbilical cord.
Can twins be born days apart?
It is very uncommon for twins to be born days or even weeks apart. It is more likely than not that your twins will be born together and will only have separate birthdays if you give birth around midnight. In very rare cases, twins can be born days or even weeks apart. This is because twin pregnancies are often complicated by preterm labor, which can cause the twins to be born at different gestational ages. In some cases, one twin may be born before the due date, while the other is born after the due date.
This is generally because of an incredibly rare occurrence of something called superfetation. This occurs when, in the instance of a uterus with more than one egg, but only one gets fertilized, the second egg becomes fertilized days or even weeks into the pregnancy. This can cause different due dates and gestational periods for each egg.
While it is certainly possible for twins to be born days or weeks apart, it is important to note that this is generally not the case. In many instances, twins are born within minutes or even seconds of each other. So, while it is possible for twins to be born days or weeks apart, it is not something most expecting mothers need to worry about.
How common is it for twins to be born days apart?
It’s uncommon for twins to be born a few days apart. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about 1 in 10 sets of twins are born prematurely (before 37 weeks), and these twins often have shared their due dates. Only 1 in 2 million twin pregnancies result in a birth with separate due dates.
So, while it’s not unheard of for twins to be born a few days or even weeks apart, it is incredibly rare for them to be born apart. If you’re pregnant with twins and your due date is more than a month away, your healthcare provider will likely closely monitor your pregnancy and may recommend delivering your babies early.
Final verdict
It’s certainly possible for twin babies to be born days apart, but it is very uncommon. The important thing to remember is that twins are born all the time. As an expecting parent or if this is your first set of twins, there are many worries or concerns that may seem bizarre, but you are justified. Luckily for you, this is not likely to be a concern for your pregnancy.
Thanks for reading!
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