“It’s double the giggles, double the grins, and double the trouble if you’re if you’re blessed with twins.” Parenting one baby is hard enough, and now you have two! Don’t let the panic set in. We have you covered.
This guide is chocked full of helpful tips and tricks to decrease stress and help ease your burden. We will look at what items have been a lifesaver for other parents of multiples and more.

Schedule and Routine Are Everything
Time management and structure from day one are very important. At first, it may seem complicated to establish a routine, as you adjust to the needs and demands of not one but two little ones.
Having two babies is hard enough; having two babies on opposite schedules is even more challenging. If you are not all in sync, no one will be sleeping much. You may find the twins will naturally fall into a routine very quickly. The trick is to stick to it and make sure that your friends and family are on the same page if they are helping out. Keep the consistency flowing.
Wake up at the same general time every morning and get the day rolling. If one baby wakes, first change their diaper and then clothes if needed before feeding. The last thing anyone needs is a full belly and relaxed state to be interrupted by cold wipes and a breeze. After baby A is changed, fed, and back to sleep, repeat the same routine with baby B even if they are still sleeping.
It is imperative to have synchronized schedules. If this is not established early and maintained, you will all feel the effects down the road. You may hear the term, never wake a sleeping baby. However, when it comes to your sanity and establishing a routine, it is essential.
Noise Is Good for Sleeping Babies

How many times have you heard, “shhh, the baby is sleeping?” Well, my friend, it is okay to make noise when the baby is dozing. If you are afraid to make noise when the babies are sleeping, you will never get anything done. So go ahead and do the dishes or vacuum the floor. The sound of you near them is soothing, like white noise. You want to train your babies to block out distractions to sleep. If they need silence to sleep, it will only get harder as they grow. Allow the noise, and they will learn to sleep through anything.
Two of Everything is Not Necessary
Two babies means two of everything, right? This is not necessarily true. Many parents share a crib for the first few months. They were, after all, squished up in the womb together. The twins will soothe and comfort each other by being near one another. It is better to start off with one of everything and determine if you need a second as time goes on, instead of buying too much and never get the use out of them.
Let’s take boppy pillows for instance. Do you need one for each baby? No. If you are nursing or bottle feeding, they make an amazing Twin Feeding Pillow. It will give the extra support under your arms and take strain off your back if you are nursing. You can nurse them both at the same time or one after the other. If you are breastfeeding, try to stay one pump ahead of the routine to save yourself some time.
If you are bottle feeding this pillow is great to lay them side by side with their bottles, especially once they can hold them. Keep in mind not to let them chug a whole bottle without burping breaks. It is recommended to burp every couple of ounces. Yes, they will cry when the bottle is momentarily taken away, but it will be okay. They will adjust to the burping routine as well.
Create A Safe Space for Play
Before you know it, your roly poly babies will be mobile. They will be eager to explore their surroundings as they investigate the world full of textures and colors around them. You want to create a safe place for the babies to play and explore.
Choose a safe place in your home where the babies can be easily observed at all times, away from dangerous table corners and stairs. It would be wise to invest in an extra large play yard. These play yards are so handy that they can be easily taken down and put back up as needed and create a safe enclosure for the twins.
Be sure all electrical sockets are covered. Check that no cords from window blinds are within reach and check for any other hazards. Set up a baby monitor to keep constant observation should you need to step out of the room momentarily.
To protect your floors, you could purchase a rug for the baby area or floor mats that can be easily cleaned, because spit up happens. Do not overcrowd the space with too many toys, but arrange them in a way that the babies will move around the area to get to them.
Surround Yourself with Support
You may have noticed a flood of mom groups on Facebook or blogs centered around supporting parenting. That is because it really does take a village of support.
Get involved in parenting groups and programs in your area to connect with other parents, especially parents of multiples. No one will understand you better than those going through the same thing.
Twinning is hard and wonderful at the same time, and that is perfectly okay. It is also perfectly okay to reach out to those around you. You don’t always have to be super mom or super dad. If you are taking a trip, whether it be to the grocery store or doctor’s office, always plan to have an extra set of hands to help out.
The connections you make with other like parents are there to give you support and let you offer support to others. There will be days when dinner is impossible to make, and a friend makes extra and saves the day.
There will be times when you need a break when the kids need playdates or socialization. Connect with others and see how it changes your lives and not only build connections for you but for your children as they grow.
Double the Penny Pinching With Twins

One thing is true when it comes to being parents to twins. You will be spending more money. This is why you will want to sign up for any discount programs you can find. Local stores such as Target and Walmart often offer gift bags and savings for new parents when making a baby registry with them. There are often discount programs for multiples. Clip those coupons and shop the sales to make room in the budget where you can.
Look into diaper and formula companies for savings such as;
There are apps for your smartphone to help make your job easier, because “baby brain” is a real thing and can last for years. Track feeding, diapers changes and more with apps such as:
- The wonder weeks
- Baby Center
- Baby Time (Parenting Track & Analysis)
Caffeine Is Your Friend
Caffeine is a must, as well as healthy snacks. Keep a stash of protein and fibrous snacks such as nuts and dried fruits instead of empty carbs like potato chips. Fuel up and have coffee or tea on hand for an extra pick-me-up, as well as healthy treats to eat throughout the day. Remember to keep yourself fueled; it can be easy to forget in the blur of busy days. That’s right, even if you’re nursing, caffeine is okay in moderation.
Give Yourself Grace Every Day
Give yourselves grace. No one is perfect, and no one has it completely under control. You learn as you go. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall behind on laundry or dishes. It’s going to happen, and it is okay. Soak up the love and snuggles. Laugh and giggle together even when spit up happens. Be kind to yourself and enjoy the journey. Give yourself grace not just today but every day.
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