And suddenly, out of the blue, you discovered that you’re expecting twins. What a bomb in your life! But it’s also a true blessing.
All moms get confused at first. It’s natural, especially if it’s your first pregnancy. But you need to keep in mind that you’re not alone. There are other moms, just like you. And they succeeded as you will succeed as well. All it takes is preparation. And we don’t say this lightly. Preparation isn’t optional; it’s crucial. You will have double the responsibilities and double the demands.
How to Prepare for the Arrival of Twins
#1: You Don’t Need To Buy Two Of Everything:
The first thought that comes to many expecting moms is that since they are getting twins, they need to buy everything in double. But this is hardly the case. The reality is that you’ll be a lot better served if you buy different types of equipment. For example, you may want to buy two different rockers or bouncers. You can then rotate the babies between them.
Other things that you can buy individually include a double stroller or a double feeding pillow. However, you’ll also need to buy multiple of items like cribs, highchairs, and car seats. Just remember that these are the items your twins need to use at the same time.
#2: Don’t Leave Everything To The Last Minute:
Chances are that your twins will be born ahead of time. In fact, around 50% of moms expecting twins are usually told to rest by about 30 weeks. This means that you need to have everything ready by this time.
#3: Talk To Other Moms Of Multiples:
Moms of multiples aren’t that rare anymore. But if you can’t seem to find one in the neighborhood or near you, you can always turn to the Internet. Moms of multiples are a great source of information because they already lived your current situation. They know what you’re thinking and what you should do based on their own experience. And the best part is that most are willing to share their experiences.
#4: Stockpile Diapers:
Yes, there are a lot of things that you need to buy, arrange, and prepare before your twins are born. However, you should never forget about diapers. Keep in mind that you’ll need between ten to twenty per day. The last thing you want to do is to get out at night because you run out of diapers.
In case you’re thinking about using cloth diapers instead, well, your stock needs to double or triple when you’re expecting twins. Laundry time will be short for so many diapers.
#5: Decide On Your Schedule After Your Twins Are Born:
As an expecting mom, you already searched for a lot of information online. After all, you will soon be with two babies at home and you need to know what to do.
One of the best pieces of advice we can give you is that you should have a schedule ready as soon as your babies come home. You will need to keep the twins on the same feeding, sleeping, and activity schedule so you can be more efficient. And if taking care of one baby is hard enough, taking care of two can seem impossible. So, you need to think about how you can get help aside. It can either be from your partner, family, or friends or even hire a baby nurse.
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