Matching your twins is a hot button topic. This is something everyone has an opinion on, and affects the way you parent. Whether or not you choose to dress your twins to match is a totally personal choice, but here are a few things to consider.
Types of Twins
As all twin moms know, there are two types of twins: fraternal and identical. The difference between these two types of twins is significant, especially if you are considering matching outfits.
Identical twins share all of their genes and are always the same sex. This happens when one fertilized egg splits into two. Fraternal twins, however, come from two separate eggs which both get fertilized at the same time. This means they have different genes and can be the same sex or different sexes. You can read more about the science behind twins here.
But, what does this mean for how you dress your babies? If you have identical twins, you can guarantee they will be the same gender and the same size! If you have fraternal twins, matching is made more difficult by differences is size, looks, and gender. But! Where there is a will, there is a way!

Dressing Your Twins to Match: YES!
There are some who argue in favor of total twinning. This is getting less and less popular through the years, but lets examine why some still do it.
Pictures, pictures, pictures! Nothing makes mommies go crazy quite like having a newborn in the house. Twins, of course means double trouble. When you become a mom, something makes you want to capture every moment. With twins it is no different. Dressing your twins to match all the time seems a little extreme, but image all the adorable pictures!
Something to remember, you can dress your twins to match, without dressing them in the exact same thing. You can get two of the same onesie but in a different color or pattern. This takes a little more effort, but allows you to get the best of both worlds. Your babies can keep a matching theme, without looking the exact same. Granted, this could get pricey really quickly.
Of course, maybe you want to put your twins in the same outfit. This is easier when you are gifted two of the same outfit to begin with. Baby showers and grandmas are a fantastic source of double looks. Something about twins, especially identical twins, makes us want to see them match! You are sure to receive a few matching pieces from your friends and family.
If you are buying matching looks yourself, this is either easier or harder by what kind of twins you have. Identical twins will make shopping a breeze. They will be the same size and gender, so all you have to do is find something you like! Fraternal twins are much harder. Their genetics are not the same, so they will likely be different sizes, and possibly even different genders. Then you have to match a boy and a girl! Not only does that get pricey quickly, but it can easily become tacky. A themed look, however, can be very cute, and very rewarding.
Dressing Your Twins to Match: No Way.
Some people think matching your twins is weird, impractical, or even cruel. While most opinions on twin matching are superficial, some are based on parenting practices and we might be wise to heed their words.
Matching your twins all the time is a lot of effort. Way too much effort and money for a new mom, or even a long time parent. Upkeeping this kind of aesthetic lifestyle is a real commitment, and no one would blame you for choosing your battles and saying, “no thank you” to all that extra work.
Trying to match fraternal twins of different genders can get a little weird. There are a lot of bumps in this process, and depending on how you play your cards, you will get mixed reactions from people. Obviously, we don’t want to hear negative opinions about our parenting choices, but matching your twins is a surefire way to bring the haters on. Some twin parents choose to go gender neutral with their looks for their boy-girl twin combos. Others stick to a theme. Even less, match outfits exactly, regardless of sex. In this area, no matter what you choose, you will get a torrent of other peoples opinions funking up your style. Is it better to avoid this all together? That is up to you.
Shopping for your twins is a ton easier when you aren’t concerned about matching them. You can buy anything and everything you like! Instead of having two of the same outfit, you can grab two completely different looks of the rack and mix and match. Without the tethering concern of keeping those babies matching, you can be totally free with your expression and theirs.
This brings us to the obvious, and most common resistance to dressing your twins to match. A key strategy in most early parenting is giving your children choices, and letting them decide things for themselves. For example: once your kids are old enough, when you take them to the park, let them choose which of their two pairs of sneakers they want to wear. Give them limited options, but let them make the final decision. This is a powerful tool in cognitive development in a child’s brain, and clothing choice is the most harmless way to put this skill into practice during early development.
The argument is, if you are always choosing your twins outfits, or always making them match, you could be taking away a critical opportunity not only for their brains to develop, but also for their personalities to blossom. Remember, twins may look the same and have been born at the same time, but they are still two unique little lives in need of self expression like any others.
Best of Both Worlds
Having twins is such a fun and exciting challenge. Your experience will be unique to your friends who have only had babies one at a time. Twins is a fantastic opportunity to try all sorts of new things, and the urge to dress twins to match is hard to repress. Your friends and families will want to see those babies in the cutest little matching get-ups, and you probably will too. People will likely give you matching clothes regardless of your plans.
Matching your twins, especially when they are babies, is totally harmless. Those little bundles wont know the difference if they are both wearing pink or not. I say, have fun with it! Try some things out! Decide what works for your budget and your parenting style. As they grow up, give them choices. Let their unique personalities develop and help them learn who they are. When family pictures role around, whether you match those twins for your Christmas cards is up to you. Have fun with it!
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