Any child is a blessing, and with twins, you get double the fun. With that comes lots of joy and laughter, but sometimes even double the problems. Sometimes twins can feed off of each other, and it can cause more issues than you may be prepared for, especially during nap time.
If your twins are having trouble napping, it may be best to create a new sleep schedule that works for both of them. This may involve moving them to separate rooms, setting the perfect mood in their sleeping quarters, or even simply creating new routines that fit in with their needs.
Even though twins may look similar, each of them has their own personalities, ideas, and needs. Let’s talk about a few ways to solve some of the common reasons why your twins are struggling to sleep or nap.
Why Do Twins Struggle to Nap?

While twins may be a join for some, others find that they can be more challenging to control or teach when it comes to certain things. One of the most widespread problems among parents of twins is that they are not as easy to get into a regular sleep routine or even to put down for a regular nap.
A few reasons that twins often struggle with naps are:
- They are often born prematurely and need more attention than a single baby.
- They can have an irregular feeding schedule.
- It takes more time and more deliberate care to create a sleeping schedule.
Although it is generally more work to get twins to sleep, it is not impossible. It requires effort on both your and your children’s sides. This includes working as a team to figure out what works best for your children. It may take time to learn their standard routine in terms of when they are tired and when they are ready to play.
The good news is that even if your twins are not great nappers, that does not mean that they will never learn. There are a few techniques that can help your children become tired quicker as well as learn from each other in particular circumstances.
Let’s talk about a few ways twins can learn to take better naps:
- Create a designated sleeping period for both children.
- Placing each child in a different location if they are sleeping together or vice versa.
- Create a soothing naptime routine that helps them gently wind down.
While these are not all of the tricks to help your twins have a better nap, they are just a few of the most popular. Let’s talk more in-depth about how you can enhance the quality of sleep your children are getting as well as how quickly and effectively they can begin their naptime.
How Long Should Your Twins Be Napping?
For many new mothers, they may not know what to expect when it comes to getting their twins, and especially when it comes to naptime.
Depending on the age of the children, their napping routine is going to look much different:
- Children under the age of six months should nap up to four times per day.
- Babies from the age of six to nine months should be napping at least three times per day.
- After the ten months mark, many children are napping only once per day.
Even though your children are twins, one may be more inclined to nap than the other. While this may seem like a good plan, the best option is to put both children to sleep at the same time to ensure they are getting enough rest. As the children age, they can determine when they want to take a nap.
Common Napping Problems Among Twins

For many families, getting one child to nap when they need to rest can be difficult. For families with twins, it may seem like a battle every day. The good news is that most of the problems you are going to encounter with your twins are nothing new, and there are proven ways that you can help them learn to nap and make it easier on everyone.
Problem One: They are Not Tired Enough to Take a Nap
The biggest reason why your twins are not napping is that they just are not tired enough—younger children on average nap much more than a child who is above the age of six months. Not wanting to nap may be a result of being bored, underestimated, or even overstimulated.
This problem has an easy solution. It would be best if you created a routine of having naptime after they have played.
Here are a few ways to ensure your twins are getting tired enough for naps:
- Only allow a certain amount of time watching TV or using electronics depending on their age.
- Have plenty of busy time where the child is moving around or using critical thinking skills.
- Give your twins independent playtime prior to napping.
- Try feeding your twins about thirty minutes before their specified naptime.
Keeping up with your children can be challenging. When you spend time with them both playing and in downtime, it is easier to understand their needs. Over time, you will be able to see when they are starting to slow down, which is an easy time to initiate a nap.
Problem Two: Only One Twin Wants to Nap
A common reason why twins do not nap properly is that one twin may not be ready to nap. Even if one twin is not ready to nap, you need to put them down at the same time. You do not want to break their napping schedule, and it can leave you with one cranky baby later on in the day.
Here’s a few reasons why both twins should nap at the same time:
- Having one sleep at one time can the other staying up can cause a disruption in their daily schedule which may make it harder for them to sleep at night.
- It means you probably lose your alone time during naptime to get things done or simply relax, especially if you are the sole care provider.
If you have one twin who does not like to nap, then try separating them if you can. Place one crib in one room and another in an adjacent room. Not having the distraction of the other twin may help both children. You can also create a physical barrier such as a sheet if you do not want to move them to separate rooms.
5 Ways to Help Your Twins Nap
When it comes to naps, we all know how important they can genuinely be. While naptime with a single child may be a feat in itself, getting twins to nap may be like climbing Mount Everest. Luckily, there are five strategies that you can use to help improve your twins’ naptime routine.
Create a Naptime Schedule
Many parents have had success by creating a naptime schedule for their twins. This may include putting them down thirty minutes after they have eaten lunch, at a specific time of the day, or after a certain amount of playtime. Many parents see that their children are calmer and more likely to go down for a nap after their lunch.
For your child, try and put them down thirty minutes after their lunch. Not only does this give time for any diaper changes, but it also allows for proper digestion of their food. This can, in turn, make them feel more satisfied and calmer, which may make a nap much easier.
Create a Naptime Routine
There is also the option to create a naptime routine for your twins. This may include watching their favorite educational program, reading a book, or enjoying a certain amount of playtime. Depending on your children’s energy levels on a particular day, this may be easier when you notice a lull in their activity.
A great way to make a routine is to place them in their typical nap time areas. This may be together in a safe location or in their own designated areas.
Here’s a few ideas to help you create a naptime routine for your twins:
- Dim or turn off the lights to signify that it is time to nap.
- Place them in their designated sleeping areas.
- Play relaxing or classical music to create a soothing environment.
- Even check the room temperature to make sure that it is at a comfortable sleeping temperature for the babies.
Remember that it may take you a few tries to find a sleep routine that works for you and your children. You may find that they like to leave the lights on or that the sound of music actually acts as a distraction. It really is all about trial and error at this point.
Try Changing Their Sleeping Situations
While not the most straightforward change to make, this may be one of the most effective ways to help your twins nap. Sometimes children can feed off of each other, and it can disrupt their relaxation as well as their energy levels which can cause them to have issues when it comes to relaxation and naptime.
If your children are currently sleeping in the same room, it may be a good idea to place them in separate areas so that they can focus on sleeping instead of seeing it as a chance to play. If they are not napping in designated areas, you can also try to have them share a room to help with reassurance.
Reduce Stimuli Around Naptime
One of the biggest reasons why twins have trouble napping is because they are overstimulated. Overstimulation can come from electronics, sounds, or even each other. Try a period of distraction-free time before naptime to avoid overstimulation. Not only will each child work on their own skills, but it gives them time to relax and calm down.
If you are unable to give each child a separate time with no distractions, you can simply put them on opposite sides of the room. You can also give them electronic-free toys to reduce blue light, noise, or distraction as well.
Try Using a White Noise Machine

While you may think that a quiet environment is better in terms of napping, the truth is that a little bit of noise can reduce many of the problems that are associated with getting twins to nap. The noise drowns out external sounds from other areas of the house or outside.
Popular white noise sounds for children are:
- Gentle rain or running water sounds.
- Classical or spa-like music.
- Noises that sound similar to air conditioning or a fan running.
A noise machine can also reduce the chance of them making sounds or talking to each other if they are sleeping in the same room. Some sound machines also sound similar to the sounds they heard in the womb, which is relaxing to many children.
You can either purchase a baby-friendly white noise machine from different retailers, or you can simply use an electronic such as Alexa or an app on a tablet, computer, or mobile device. Even websites such as Youtube offer kid-friendly white noise options at no charge.
Should You Encourage Self-Soothing with Twins?
Self-soothing is a common practice for many parents to help encourage their children to become independent and learn that they need a nap!
Self-soothing is a very popular technique to get children to sleep at night, but it is just as useful for naptime and is perfectly fine for your twins to practice. If you set your twins in their beds for naptime, allow them a decent amount of time to themselves.
Should Twins Share a Bed While Napping?
Depending on the age of your children and the size of their crib, sharing a crib during naptime may actually encourage them to nap and help them feel safe during their naptime. As long as each child has plenty of room to sleep safely and comfortably, then it should be safe.
While this works for some children, sharing a crib may also create a few problems for your twins.
- If one child doesn’t want to sleep, it can cause disturbances for the other child.
- Depending on the age of your child, they may insist on playing or talking instead of taking a nap.
- If the crib is too small for both of the children to sleep in, it can become dangerous or uncomfortable, which would keep your children from sleeping.
Eventually, your children will need their own sleeping areas. It will help them learn independence as well as have some sort of privacy. Even if your children are sharing a room, having two separate cribs is going to be beneficial for them as they grow up.
What if Your Twins Change Their Sleep Schedules?
Even though a lot of people think that veering off of your sleeping schedule may be a recipe for disaster, you have to remember that twins are both individuals who have different needs. While it may be ideal to have them sleep at the same time, sometimes they just don’t want to sleep!
Be flexible when it comes to your children’s naptime schedule. Chances are, it is much easier for you to adjust your schedule during the day than it is to adjust either of theirs. This is especially important to remember as the twins’ age and have different needs.
Is There Any Way to Guarantee Your Twins Will Nap?

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to get your twins to nap precisely when you want them to. The chances of you getting your twins to nap on time are very slim, but it can happen with practice.
That being said, here’s a few ways that you can help make it as likely as possible that they will go down for a nap easy:
- Creating a sleep-friendly environment including lights, sounds, and safe areas for your children to nap.
- Reducing external noise as much as possible through the use of white noise or even soundproofing the room that they sleep in.
- Encouraging your children to play as much as they can before naptime.
- If there is a time that is quieter at your house, then you may want to plan their sleep schedule during that period.
Depending on your children’s personalities, there may be different ways to encourage your twins to nap at a particular time and ensuring that they are getting a good amount of rest while napping. It is going to be a case of trial and error.
Final Thoughts
Even though getting your twins to nap on a specific schedule may seem like a huge obstacle, with practice, it can be easier than you think. You need to focus on your children in particular and what their needs are on a day-to-day basis. If they wake up at one time to each lunch, then having them nap during that time may not be a good idea.
By finding a routine that works for you and your children through napping areas, ensuring playtime, and helping them become more independent, you can help your twins get the rest they need to grow up healthy and strong.
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